The Ottoman is a 3D animated short film created by a team of artists from around the world. The film is set in a fictionalized Ottoman Empire, with a visual design inspired by European comic-book artists like Jean “Mœbius” Giraud. The team has been in production for several years, and we are expecting to debut the finished film in late 2017.
The Ottoman, a cocky mechanic and amateur robot gladiator, is looking forward to proving himself in the arena with his trusty beetle-mecha, the Scarab. But when he discovers that he’ll be facing off against the reigning Tournament champion and his massive mechanical Scorpion, the Ottoman’s confidence turns to panic. Returning home, he begins frantically outfitting his Scarab into the ultimate fighting machine. But when his obsession endangers the lives of his wife and son, the Ottoman must face some hard lessons about what true strength is all about.
Although similar to the steampunk genre, which combines Art Nouveau, Victorian-era fashion and whimsical steam-powered machinery, dieselpunk merges post-WWII Futurist architecture, greaser/chopper subcultures and diesel-powered vehicles. The tone of dieselpunk tends to be less optimistic than steampunk, often with more of a Cold War-inspired, dystopian atmosphere.
A diverse group of animators, modelers, texture artists, technical directors and cinematographers, the Ottoman team hails from around the globe, from Los Angeles to Madrid to Aukland, NZ. Their past film work includes: Zootopia, Frozen, Warcraft, The Little Prince, Guardians of the Galaxy and many more.